
  • Is College Worth the Cash?

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-IsCollegeWorththeCash01.mp3The question is what has more value, the price of an education or work experience? In this Tough Things...

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  • Circular Action is NOT Action

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-CircularAction01.mp3Running in circles pushing a cart full of goals will lead to two things. Exhaustion and a cart full...

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  • Wages Have Consequences

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-Wages01.mp3Good or bad, a rise in wages results in reaction. The earner may first have more money, but prices...

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  • What Kind of Leader Are You?

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-WhatKindOfLeader01.mp3Effective leadership is about being a people person, not about people pleasing. In this Tough Things First podcast, Ray...

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  • Conservative vs. Liberal: Not politics, but people.

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-Con-v-Lib01.mp3Diversity is a natural course of business. Not just in gender and race, but in thought. In this Tough...

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  • Enemies of Innovation

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-Enemies-of-Innovation01.mp3The enemy of innovation comes in many different forms, but usually the goal is the same. To throw you...

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  • Ruined by Mismanagement and Greed

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/RayRob-Mismanagement01.mp3Some train wrecks are easily seen coming down the tracks while others go off the rails because of bad...

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  • U.S. Chips: A Race Against Monopoly?

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-USChips01a.mp3The Chips and Science Act is supposed to lower silicon chip manufacturing costs, create jobs, and strengthen supply chains....

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  • Global Turmoil

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-RobGlobalTurmoil01.mp3Between global turmoil and more local chaos, how do you stay focused in life, and stay profitable in business?...

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  • Get Your Mojo Working

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-Mojo01.mp3Many entrepreneur’s know when their mojo is working, but some people just do not know how to tap into...

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  • Loyalty

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-Loyalty01.mp3Loyalty in the mafia means something different than loyalty in its most productive and meaningful ways, or does it?...

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  • Focus and Outcomes

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-Focus-Outcomes01.mp3Entrepreneurs rarely get what they “deserve”, but most everyone gets what they focus on, good or bad. In this...

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  • Creator Burnout

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-CreatorBurnouit01.mp3YouTube and TikTok users know this all too well. Fact: We live in a more isolated work environment, often...

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  • Merit Based Hiring

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-MeritBased01.mp3Diversity, equity, and inclusion has supplanted merit as an important decision tool in hiring for many companies, but has...

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  • Are Protests Evil?

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    http://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-EvilProtests01.mp3Clashes in the streets are never pretty, and Ray Zinn says they never really do much other than cause...

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