Tough Things First Podcast Launches

Tough Things First Podcast Launches
April 21, 2016 admin
Tough Things First Podcast

The Tough Things First Podcast launched today. As if I were not busy enough.

Several people have told me that they enjoy my blog, and would like to follow my social media posts, but that they prefer to hear my thoughts while jogging or exercising at the gym. To meet this demand, today we kicked-off the Tough Things First Podcast. The full details are at

The podcasts are short … very short. People have less time and attention than ever before, so I’m working to keep these nuggets of management and leadership wisdom down to five minutes each. As the longest-serving CEO in Silicon Valley, this is proving to be a challenge – there is much to discuss about leadership, organization culture, management and more. And the details are fascinating. But we will continue to make the Tough Things First Podcast easily digestible.

Drop by the landing page, or look up the Tough Things First Podcast on your preferred mobile app. You can get the podcast on iTunes, Google’s Play Music, Stitcher, Podcast Addict or even as a raw RSS feed.


Google Play:


Pocket Casts:



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