Make Points, Not Enemies
No CommentsRead morehttp://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Ray-Rob-MakingPointsNotEnemies01.mp3Unskilled communicators can create a breakdown in conversation at every turn, sometimes making enemies in the process. In this...
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The Truth Hurts – how to deliver the truth and not be dispised
No CommentsRead morehttp://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Episode-39-The-Truth-Hurts-how-to-deliver-the-truth-and-not-be-dispised.mp3The truth can be so blunt it hurts, or is it your delivery? Consider the delivery and the amount...
Episode 30: Truth – aligning realities between you company and your customers
No CommentsRead morehttp://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Episode-30-Truth-aligning-realities-between-you-company-and-your-customers.mp3Can you create your own truth? Are your observations truth? What is the truth? Do we actually know the...
Episode 28: Friday Talks and Employee Motivation
No CommentsRead morehttp://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Episode-28-Friday-Talks-and-Employee-Motivation.mp3Looking for employee inspiration, education and motivation? In this week’s podcast, Ray Zinn talks about the “Friday Talk” technique...