Personal Trainer
No CommentsRead morehttp://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/RayRob-PersonalTrainer01.mp3You’ve probably considered a personal trainer for your physical health, but what about your mind? In this new Tough...
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Special Edition: Greg McKeown, Essentialism and Discipline
No CommentsRead morehttp://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Special-Edition-Greg-KcKeown-Discipline-Essentualism.mp3Greg McKeown, the New York Times bestselling author of Essentialism interviews Ray Zinn to discuss discipline and how is makes...
Episode 11: Leadership self-discipline
No CommentsRead morehttp://toughthingsfirst.com/wp-content/uploads/Tough-Things-First-Podcast-Episode-11-Leadership-self-discipline.mp3What are some daily practices for developing self-discipline, or for organizational discipline, and how does a leader transfer his...