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Insights on leadership, entrepreneurialism and management

  • Small business planning for recessions

    How small businesses can plan for the next cyclical downturn

    “Economists have predicted twenty-three of the last four recessions.” This ancient joke has a bit of wisdom to it. We never really know, with precision, when the next macro-economic cycle causes an economy to shrink. As such, planning for...

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  • Sameer Saran of ParkStash on the Tough Things First podcast

    ParkStash – Pivoting in a young startup essence of adapting a startup. In the episode of the Tough Things First podcast, ZinnStarter Fellow Sameer Saran and ParkStash president discusses the new opportunities with their company, market and ask Ray some question about next steps. Ray...

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  • Alpha, Beta Leadership

    Alpha, Beta, Blended Leadership

    Have you ever watched a wild stallion? They effortlessly switch between being rather tender nurturing of their harem and colts, and into being a fiery beast ready to bite and kick marauding stallions, mountain lions, and other threats. Would...

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  • How to grow your startup wisely

    Startup Scaling

    Anyone who has gone rock climbing knows that scaling a wall is hard, takes a long time, and if done incorrectly can be fatal. Same for scaling your business. Every entrepreneur wants to scale their operations, and venture capitalists...

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  • Entrepreneur Littigation

    You Will Be Sued

    “You can’t call yourself an Adult American until you have been sued at least once.” That is my Marketing Director’s opinion, and it is not too far from true. More to the point though, you can’t call yourself a...

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  • Employee Morale and Motivation During Good and Bad Economic Times

    Employees, Good/Bad Times

    Like all other humans, employees have different needs at different moments. Leadership during good times and bad are uniquely different and require different skills. What leaders do for employees when the economy and industry are good is not what...

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